
「ミッシング・ピース 東京展」のスタッフは幸運なことに法王から、「ミッシング・ピース 東京展」へのメッセージをいただことができました。
「Peace 平和」について、7分間、語ってくださっています。

Peace, of course, everybody wants. I think, human nature, even animals loves growing.
So, spring time, birds, animals, human beings, everybody you see also the fresh feeling because of everything growing.
Autumn, winter, even animal then they remain more rest. So, peace means flourishing.
So I think, six billion human beings, perhaps very few people otherwise majority, all want peace.
Nobody wants disturbance in their life. However, sometimes I think for small interest for immediate gain or for interest for power, interest for economy, interest for few people's benefit. Then sometimes, this brings disturbances to millions of innocent people. So therefore, our effort for peace is really very very noble
And then Tibet issue.
Firstly, we strictly follow non-violence.
That means we are actually showing to the world struggle not necessarily through
violence, just a struggle can be through non-violent way through peaceful way.
So, I often telling people in many cases, people really want peace.
If that is the case then those struggle for non-violent ways we should help them their struggle
should be successful.
Otherwise nowadays among Tibetans also now, more and more now say openly and critisize me what is the result of Non-violent way, middle way ?
More and more criticism towards us. So, in order to promote peace, it is very very logically very essential to bring some result, to achieve some result (for) those people who carry struggle through non-violence so that the rest of the other people then feel oh through non-violent we can solve the problem.
Otherwise people often say unless take arms you cannot sort of achieve goals.
And then also with Tibet issue, because of Tibet's geographical position between India and China.
these two nations are most populated two nation.
So, genuine relation friendship on the basis of mutual trust between these two are very important for the peace of Asia and finally peace of the world., very very essential.
So (as long as) unless Tibet issue remains like today in the Chinese mind... as long as the presence of situation, the Chinese mind full of suspicion.
They feel unsafe, therefore they have to put a large number of soldiers in Tibet.
That automatically creates suspicion among Indian mind. So, genuine normalcy of
Tibet within the (People's) republic of China full autonomy then Tibetans get satisfaction and through that way genuine normalcy will develop.
Then Chinese soldiers can reduce.
That is one important sort of I think the aspect to build genuine trust between India and China.
And then Tibetan environment also very very important.
Since all major rivers which cover China up to Pakistan all these major rivers their ultimate
source comes from Tibet.
So, preservation.
Already there are signs, not only pollution in these rivers, but also the amount of the water now decade by decade reducing.
So, this is serious sort of matter.
I think the whole northern India and also central China and also Burma and Bangladesh areas and all the Pakistan, I think together over one billion human being's life depend on those river that come from Tibet.
So, preservation of Tibetan ecology is, not only interest for six million Tibetan people, but also over billions of human beings lives, their interest.
I think that's very very important... one thing.
Then preservation of Tibet culture Buddhist culture is culture of peace, culture of non-violence, culture of compassion, isn't it?
Now there's more and more of Chinese really showing interest about Tibetan Buddhist culture you see very
very encouraging.
So, preservation of Tibetan Buddhist culture is also part of preservation of peace.
It's very very important. So I very much appreciate it.
Thank you.